Well these are certainly trying times!
This pandemic has left us feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and uncertain not only about today and tomorrow, but the future beyond what any of us can fathom. That leaves many without the feelings of safety, security and well being. I am in the same boat as everyone else– prone to the same daily trials and tribulations with balancing work and family life, just trying to get through the day all the while worrying about what’s to come and the inevitable wonder…will we get sick?
However, with my work I have always felt a sense of duty to help, care for and support my clients. That is what I do! Many of my clients have kids that went off to University or College, only to come home due to school closures and incumbent online learning. Some of them also have parents or grandparents in need of some extra help. So with Covid I find myself preparing more and more meals for each of my clients, along with some of their friends and family who are in search of healthy balanced meals delivered fresh to their door!
Meal service has always been a part of my business—it is the very foundation of Personal Thyme—but now it has become a large part of my business model. It fulfills a large and growing market here in Calgary. It also allows my clients to focus on their families’ day to day needs without the stress and worry about venturing out to the grocery store and then having to make dinner. Meals are always prepared fresh in the Personal Thyme prep kitchen and are delivered via contactless delivery. We follow the most up to date Alberta Health Services (AHS) guidelines to ensure the safety of staff and clients alike.
I will always be here for my clients– serving as a front line worker–taking away some of the stress of these trying times by virtue of providing a professionally cooked meal waiting for them in their fridge each day. Personal Thyme is all about professional quality and personalized service! With the Thanksgiving weekend ahead I am very grateful for each and every one of my clients, for the trust they put in me to support them through this time. I am also grateful for the health and well being of my family and friends, and the endless support they give me!
Blessings to you all and Happy Thanksgiving!